Freelance and award winner Markus Bruegger has spezialized in the field of travelphotography. Taking photographs means for him the catching of stories told by the moment. Especially during his journeys in South East Asia. He realized these moments very intensively. These pictures even show a glance in the soul of the people and the scenery.
From my home town Thun in Switzerland, I work as an independent photographer and was accredited as an official photographer by both, TAT Switzerland and the Thai Puplic Relations Department. My work comprises various fields of photography and my images are published in magazines, on web sites, brochures and are used for advertising and commercial print media.
I take photos as a travel photographer for many years mainly in Thailand. The highlights were the countless birthday celebrations of HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej, also called Phumiphon Adunlayadet or Rama IX, as well as the 50th and 60th anniversary of His Majesty's throne, which I've been able to attend as a western photo journalist and so delighted got an award in the category Best International Media, presented by the former Prime Minister of Thailand.
I have been fortunate enough to work with many different clients from larger tour operators to small companies as well as receiving awards long the way and selected for juried shows.
Here is a sampling:
My Equipment:
While I own quite a bit of equipment here is a list of the gear I use the most. I tailor the equipment I actually carry depending on the job at hand.
Digital Darkroom
Interested in buying an image license. Not finding what you looking for? Prefering personal contact? Please do not hesitate to contact us directly and we'll get back to you.
Copyright Disclaimer:
The photos on this website are protected by copyright. You cannot use our photography for any commercial use without our written consent. Please write us to discuss if you have a need to use our photography, we will be more than happy to work with you. Thank you.
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